Sunday, April 2, 2017

Set a Custom Date for Your Blog Entry

Whether you use Blogger or Wordpress or whatever, when you do a blog post you can change the date so it appears as if you posted the blog entry on a different date! In blogger, you choose "Schedule" and then "Set date and time" and then choose the date. Boom.

P.S. I really posted this on 7/20/2017. hahaha!

P.P.S.  April 2 is my birthday and when adding a second "PS" at the end of a letter, it's "PPS", not "PSS".  This is because "PS" stands for "postscript".  So, "PSS" would mean "postscript script" which doesn't really make sense....instead "post-postscript" makes the most sense.  Thanks to this article for teaching me this today:

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