Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Book Review: Son by Lois Lowry

I started reading The Giver years and years ago – I don’t know how many.  I loved it!  One of my all time favorites!  Then I learned that Lois Lowry had written two more books – Messenger and Gathering Blue.  I really liked them both – but not as well as The Giver.
In December 2013 I learned that Lois Lowry had finished the series with Son.  Jason got me the book for Christmas and I started reading it.  With my crazy life, I am lucky to be able to read a chapter each night.  I finally finished the book last night!!
When I would pick up this book, I had a hard time putting it down.  It was so very good – a very close second to The Giver.  
If you have read The Giver but none of the other books – you need to.  Especially Son.  If you have never read any of these books – you need to – I have never heard anyone that has read The Giver not enjoy it.  Except for my sister but she is weird.  

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